Injury Rehabilitation







Putting you on the fast road to recovery

The body is an incredible machine that can bounce back from a great deal of injuries. That said, it might need a helping hand once in a while.

Injury rehabilitation is a two-stage process. A specialist at your local sports injury clinic in Southend will get to know your injury, any history you may have with that particular area and how you did it, before providing you with a personalised injury rehabilitation program to take away and follow at home.

We will of course demonstrate and test these exercises in the clinic before sending you away, ensuring they are a good fit for you and your body.

Click here to view our prices and book our injury rehabilitation services  

Book an Appointment

physio treating sports person for hip injury





Frequently Asked questions

What if I come in with a repeat injury?

Repeat injuries aren't uncommon, but nor are they normally treated as they should be. Information is key, and what you learn in one session can serve you for the rest of your life by building up tendon, muscular and connective tissue strength in the affected area. As long as you keep up with the rehabilitation exercises, the likelihood of getting injured in the same area doesn't have to be inevitable.

How long does the rehabilitation last?

There's no single right or wrong answer to this – It depends on everything from the nature of the injury to your age. Full-scope rehabilitation might take weeks, months or even years. Of course, your injury rehabilitation specialist will manage your expectations.




Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our facilities, team or our sports injury clinic in Southend, please reach out to us via our contact form. We will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.

Contact us 

You can find us at:

Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre
Garon Park
Cricket Ground
Eastern Avenue


Clinic Services

Shockwave Therapy
Injury Rehabilitation
Strength and Conditioning
Performance Coaching
Running Analytics
Spiritual Wellness 

  01702 410 761


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