Massages in Southend





Looking to unwind? Look no further.

Massages offer more benefits than simple relaxation. Studies indicate they can aid in weight loss, improve circulation, have a positive impact on mental health and can even strengthen the immune system.

Your local sports injury clinic in Southend is proud to offer a full scope of massage options, whether you need to speed up your recovery from athletic training, need some trained hands to work out the kinks in your back or simply want to unwind and forget the world after a long week. Like all our services, we're happy to help anyone and everyone that comes to our door.

Whether you're looking to relax from a busy week or recover from your training, we offer massages in Southend for everybody and every body. Get in touch via our contact form if you have any questions or concerns.

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man having muscle relaxing sports massage on shoulder


Sports Massages in Southend

Sports massages are unique in that you can feel as though you're doing something productive while simply lying still. Whether you need to undo the damage from a hard training session or want a short but potent massage, sports massages offer great short- and long-term benefits.

More than simply relaxing, sports massages promote muscle recovery and healing by increasing blood and lymphatic circulation to reduce inflammation and remove lactic acid. Regular sports massages over a long period of time can improve flexibility and range of motion. As anyone who's had one can attest, you'll feel the effects and see the benefits almost immediately.

Click here to see our prices and book a sports massage at our sports injury clinic in Southend.

Massage Prices




lady laying down having relaxing back massage

Relaxing Massages in Southend

As effective as they are, sports massages can be a little vigorous for some people. If you want an opportunity to unwind without the intensity of a full-on sports massage, look no further than our simple TLC massages.


Click here to see our prices and book a relaxing massage at our sports injury clinic in Southend.

Massage Prices

lady with head tilted to the side in head massage

Indian Head Massages in Southend

With a long history stretching back over a thousand years, Indian head massages (Also known as champissage) are a therapeutic experience that target the shoulders, neck, upper back and of course the head.

Your masseur will target the acupuncture pressure points in these areas to relieve stress and tension and encourage blood flow through the area. You will be seated throughout the duration, in order to root your feet to the floor and encourage the flow of energies. Traditional Indian head massages can reduce headaches, sooth back pain, promote better sleep and even stimulate the head's hair follicles.

Click here to see our prices and book an Indian head massage at our sports injury clinic in Southend.

Massage Prices




Frequently Asked questions

Are massages painful?

Massages can be a little uncomfortable at times, especially sports massages, but they should not be outright painful. Make sure you make your masseur aware of your pain tolerances before the massages begin so they can pace the massage accordingly, and let them know if you begin experiencing pain or discomfort.

Will I need to talk during the massage?

Massages can be like haircuts – Some people might want to have a chat; others might want to turn their mind off and enjoy themselves. Whether you talk or not is up to you, and your masseur will be happy to accommodate.

Do I need to bring anything to my massage?

No, your masseur will provide you with everything you need. You may bring your own towel if you wish.

Is there anything I should do after a massage?

We would advise that you drink plenty of water and rest, in order to let your body recover.




Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our facilities, team or our sports injury clinic in Southend, please reach out to us via our contact form. We will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.

Contact us 

You can find us at:

Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre
Garon Park
Cricket Ground
Eastern Avenue


Clinic Services

Shockwave Therapy
Injury Rehabilitation
Strength and Conditioning
Performance Coaching
Running Analytics
Spiritual Wellness 

  01702 410 761


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